CHEOPS Calibration and Alignment Unit
CHEOPS was the first ESA mission dedicated to searching for exoplanetary transits by performing ultrahigh precision photometry on bright stars already known to host planets.
The calibration has been performed using the CHEOPS flight model. CHEOPS has been enclosed in a Thermal Vacuum chamber (TVC) that reproduced the flight conditions, in particular the temperature variations along an orbit. The test system has been designed to illuminate CHEOPS from the outside of the TV chamber.
To be able to calibrate in the wide field of the instrument specifications, different sources are used that can be switched automatically.
Space Optics Systems has participated with the Observatory of Geneva in the development, assembly, tests, integration and validation of the calibration test bench.
- Client Observatory of Geneva
- Date 17 mars 2024
- Tags CHEOPS, ESA, Thermal Vacuum chamber
- URL View Project